50 Top Online Learning Sites

Online learning may not appeal to everyone; however, the sheer number of online learning sites suggests that there is at least a strong interest in convenient, portable learning options — many of which are study-at-your-own-pace. For your reference, we’ve selected 50 top learning sites and loosely collected them into the categories you’ll find below. While […]

Birds Flocking, Predictive Analytics and Online Social Communities

https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-P9BT4Q3 Why can pigeon species fly as an ordered parade? How can ant colonies find the shortest way to the food source? As an immutability, the nature created many rules and is waiting for human being to discovery. Such that Newton found the universal gravitation through the apple falling, predictive analysts also observed the natural […]

What’s Design Thinking and Why Should You Bother?

January 2nd, 2017 Dieter Petereit Design, Development, Education, Technology, UI/UX 0 Design Thinking means becoming more agile, speeding up innovation cycles, working in a more customer-oriented way. What happens if you don’t do that can be seen when looking at Nokia, Kodak, Blackberry, and other, previously successful, players. What’s Design Thinking? Of course, there’s a […]

Big Data & Psychometry

Lụm lặt từ Internet Điều tra của Das Magazine: Big Data và vài tay bác học đã tạo nên chiến thắng của Trump và Brexit như thế nào Source: https://phanphuongdat.wordpress.com/2016/12/09/dieu-tra-cua-das-magazine-big-data-va-vai-tay-bac-hoc-da-tao-nen-chien-thang-cua-trump-va-brexit-nhu-the-nao/ Đúng 8:30 sáng 9/11 Michal Kosinski tỉnh dậy trong khách sạn Sunnehus ở Zurich. Nhà khoa học 34 tuổi đến để báo cáo trong hội thảo về […]

Freitag, 24. September, 11.00 Uhr

Die Eisbärin  – Matthias Gereon Freitag, 24. September, 11.00 Uhr ,,Verflucht!”, schrie Sabine Kleiber auf und riss ihren Arm hastig zurück. Beim Versuch, einen Teebeutel aus dem Wandschränkchen zu ziehen, war sie zu nah an die Ausgussöffnung des Wasserkochers geraten. Der heiße Dampf hatte ihren rechten Unterarm verbrüht und ließ einen kleinen, roten Flecken auf […]